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Sources in this subcollection

Displaying 51 - 100 of 258


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Blumberg A..  2015.  Daily Meditation: A Sense Of Belonging. The Huffington Post. :1.
Waltman S.H, Hetrick H., Tasker T.E.  2012.  Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Group Therapy for Underserved Populations. Residential Treatment For Children & Youth. 9(4):305-323.
Campbell W.K, Foster C.A, Finkel E.J.  2002.  Does Self-Love Lead to Love for Others? A Story of Narcissistic Game Playing Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 3(2):340-354.
McNeill M..  Submitted.  Empathy can be taught. Here’s how.. Headspace.
Wolf D.B, Abell N..  2003.  Examining the Effects of Meditation Techniques on Psychosocial Functioning. Research on Social Work Practice. 13(1):27-42.
Korda J..  2016.  Good Friendship is the Entire Spiritual Life. Garrison Institute.
Blai B..  2010.  Health Consequences of Loneliness: A Review of the Literature. Journal of American College Health. 37(4):162-167.
Price B..  1996.  Illness Careers: The Chronic Illness Experience. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 24(2):224-424.
Seeman W., Nidich S., Banta S..  1972.  Influence of Transcendental Meditation on a Measure of Self-Actualization. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 19(3):184-187.
Pelletier K.R.  1974.  Influence of Transcendental Meditation upon Autokinetic Perception. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 39(3):1021-1034.


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