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Albrecht NJ, Albrecht P, Cohen M.  2012.  Mindfully Teaching in the Classroom: a Literature Review. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 37(12)
Bernay RS.  2014.  Mindfulness and the Beginning Teacher. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 39(7)
Gates GS.  2015.  Mindfulness for educational practice: a path to resilience for challenging work. Research on stress and coping in education; Variation: Research on stress and coping in education series.. :158.
Jennings PA.  2015.  Mindfulness for teachers: simple skills for peace and productivity in the classroom. The Norton Series on the social neuroscience of education; Norton books in education. :257.
Trube B..  2017.  Mindfulness Practices in Mentoring and Teaching. Childhood Education. 93(2):159-167.
Miller CJ, Brooker B.  2017.  Mindfulness programming for parents and teachers of children with ADHD. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 28:108-115.
Napoli M.  2004.  Mindfulness Training for Teachers: A Pilot Program. Complementary health practice review. 9(1):31-42.
Klingbeil DA, Renshaw TL.  2018.  Mindfulness-based interventions for teachers: A meta-analysis of the emerging evidence base. School Psychology Quarterly: The Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. 33(4):501-511.
Gold E, Smith A, Hopper I, Herne D, Tansey G, Hulland C.  2010.  Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Primary School Teachers. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 19(2):184-189.
Reiser JE, McCarthy CJ.  2018.  Preliminary Investigation of a Stress Prevention and Mindfulness Group for Teachers. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work. 43(1):2-34.
Burrows L.  2011.  Relational Mindfulness in Education. Encounter. 24(4):24-29.


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