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Sources in this subcollection

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Goodenough U.  2011.  Arizona Tragedy Highlights: The Mystery Of Altruism. NPR: 13.7: Cosmos and Culture.
Mikulincer M, Shaver PR.  2005.  Attachment Security, Compassion, and Altruism. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 14(1):34-38.
Fowler JH, Kam CD.  2007.  Beyond the Self: Social Identity, Altruism, and Political Participation. The Journal of Politics. 69(3):813-827.
Kreft J-U.  2004.  Biofilms promote altruism. Microbiology. 150(8):2751-2760.
Raeburn P.  Submitted.  Business Altruism.
Suttie J.  2016.  Can Helping Others Keep You Sober? Greater Good Magazine.
Jazaieri H.  2014.  Can Meditation Promote Altruism? Greater Good Magazine.
Suttie J..  2015.  Can We Make Charitable Giving More Effective? Scientific American.
Nerenberg J..  2018.  Can You Have Too Much Altruism? Greater Good Magazine.
Fehr E, Schmidt KM.  2006.  Chapter 8 The Economics of Fairness, Reciprocity and Altruism – Experimental Evidence and New Theories. Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity. 1:615-691.
Kadet A..  2017.  Charitable Sleuths Chase Donor Efficiency. Wall Street Journal.
Benenson JF, Pascoe J, Radmore N.  2007.  Children's altruistic behavior in the dictator game. Evolution and Human Behavior. 28(3):168-175.
Fowler JH, Christakis NA.  2010.  Cooperative behavior cascades in human social networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107(12):5334-5338.
Steuer G.P.  2015.  Could Effective Altruism Destroy the Arts? The Washington Post.
Bostrom N.  2014.  Crucial Considerations and Wise Philanthropy. Effective Altruism.
Bardsley N.  2008.  Dictator game giving: altruism or artefact? Experimental Economics. 11(2):122-133.
Leider S, Möbius MM, Rosenblat T, Do Q-A.  2009.  Directed Altruism and Enforced Reciprocity in Social Networks*. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 124(4):1815-1851.
Colanduno D.  Submitted.  Do The Most Good.


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