[Analysis on the unearthed Khotanese remaining prescription P. 2899v in the Library Grottoes at Dunhuang]
Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi (Beijing, China: 1980)
Short Title:
Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi
Journal Article
Publication Date:
300 - 302
Sources ID:
Himalayan and Tibetan Medicine
Public (group default)
Khotanese remaining prescription P. 2889v was written in Khotanese.Because of the affinity between Khotan and Dunhuang, thus it appeared in the Dunhuang Library Grottoes.Traditional Indian medical work Siddhasāra copied around 982 and composed in Khotanese also unearthed in Dunhuang.It is speculated that the copy time of P. 2889v is slightly earlier than 982. The third formula prescription in P. 2889v is similar to the Kalyānaka found in the Siddhasāra and Daji Medicinal Oil Pill recorded in the Volume of Tibetan Medicine of the Chinese Medical Encyclopedia, demonstrating that this prescription had been circulating in the western region and Tibet, which indicates the spread of the Indian Ayurveda medicine in western China with profound influences.