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Social cognition is a broad term used to describe cognitive processes related to the perception, understanding, and implementation of linguistic, auditory, visual, and physical cues that communicate emotional and interpersonal information. Like other cognitive and human problem-solving abilities, social cognition is associated with the integrity of interrelated brain systems for accurate perception and interpretation of the behaviors of others and the effective emotional and behavioral response to those behaviors. Many clinical populations—including patients diagnosed with neurological, psychiatric, and developmental disorders, as well as patients suffering traumatic brain injury—have impairments in one or more components of social cognition. The ACS provides clinicians with measures of important aspects of social cognition such as recognition of emotion from facial expressions and prosody, identifying the impact of prosody and body language on the social meaning of verbal expressions, learning and recognition of new faces, and associating names and faces. The ACS Social Cognition measures, described in this chapter, were designed to screen for deficits in social cognition that may affect social and interpersonal behaviors.