Explore Search Results: tagged with Gurdjieff, George Sources:Search Results HOME View all sources Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 The forest unseen: a year's watch in nature (2012, Book) David George Haskell Zotero Tags: Haskell, David George, KS6BB, Natural history, Nature observation, Old growth forest ecology, Philosophy, of nature, Seasons, Tennessee Zotero Collections: Contemplation by Applied Subject, Environment and Contemplation The meditative mind: the varieties of meditative experience (1988, Book) Daniel Goleman, Daniel Goleman Zotero Tags: Abhidharma, Ashtanga Yoga, Bhakti, China, Christianity, Consiousness, altered states of consciousness, Gurdjieff, George, Hesychasm, Hindu, India, Japan, Judaism, KS6BB, Kabbalah, Krishnamurti, Kuṇḍalinī, Meditation, Meditation, preparations for, Patanjali, Psychology, Sufism, Tantra, Tibet, Transcendental meditation (TM), Visuddhimagga, Yoga, Zen Buddhism Zotero Collections: Contemplation by Tradition, Interreligious Contemplation The poetry of meditation; a study in English religious literature of the seventeenth century, by Louis L. Martz (1962, Book) Louis Lohr Martz Zotero Tags: Baxter, Richard, Catholic Church, Christianity, Context: Aesthetic factors, Counter Reformation, Donne, John, Early modern, 1500-1700, English poetry, Herbert, George, Life of Christ, meditation on, Meditation, Poetry, Protestant Christianity, Puritan Christianity, Southwell, Robert Zotero Collections: Traditions of Christianity, Contemplation by Tradition, Practices of Christian Contemplation, Protestant Contemplation, Catholicism, Counter Reformation (16th-17th c.), Christian Contemplation
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 The forest unseen: a year's watch in nature (2012, Book) David George Haskell Zotero Tags: Haskell, David George, KS6BB, Natural history, Nature observation, Old growth forest ecology, Philosophy, of nature, Seasons, Tennessee Zotero Collections: Contemplation by Applied Subject, Environment and Contemplation The meditative mind: the varieties of meditative experience (1988, Book) Daniel Goleman, Daniel Goleman Zotero Tags: Abhidharma, Ashtanga Yoga, Bhakti, China, Christianity, Consiousness, altered states of consciousness, Gurdjieff, George, Hesychasm, Hindu, India, Japan, Judaism, KS6BB, Kabbalah, Krishnamurti, Kuṇḍalinī, Meditation, Meditation, preparations for, Patanjali, Psychology, Sufism, Tantra, Tibet, Transcendental meditation (TM), Visuddhimagga, Yoga, Zen Buddhism Zotero Collections: Contemplation by Tradition, Interreligious Contemplation The poetry of meditation; a study in English religious literature of the seventeenth century, by Louis L. Martz (1962, Book) Louis Lohr Martz Zotero Tags: Baxter, Richard, Catholic Church, Christianity, Context: Aesthetic factors, Counter Reformation, Donne, John, Early modern, 1500-1700, English poetry, Herbert, George, Life of Christ, meditation on, Meditation, Poetry, Protestant Christianity, Puritan Christianity, Southwell, Robert Zotero Collections: Traditions of Christianity, Contemplation by Tradition, Practices of Christian Contemplation, Protestant Contemplation, Catholicism, Counter Reformation (16th-17th c.), Christian Contemplation