The mystical arts: on the theory and practice of hermeneutics and aesthetics
Short Title:
The Mystical Arts
Web Article
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Zotero Collections:
Contemplation by Applied Subject, Humanities and Contemplation, Religious Studies Learning and Contemplation, Visual Arts and Contemplation, Art and Contemplation, Higher Education and Contemplation, Education and Contemplation
Mystical texts and the visual arts have contributed immeasurably to shaping individual and collective conceptions of the spiritual in modern and postmodern culture. By integrating rigorous textual analysis with direct experiential practices, we will bring a multifaceted approach to bear on the relationship between aesthetic, intellectual and mystical creativity—that is, between the often conflicting domains of spiritual experience, intellectual analysis, and beauty—in order to gain insight into the ways in which these distinctive yet overlapping modalities of knowledge have integrally shaped developments in high culture, sacred practice and visual representation. Drawing on the combined methodological perspectives of Art History and Religious Studies, we will examine the ways in which the contemplative and experiential practices of museum viewing, ritual performances, trans-cultural encounter and focused reading and writing activities can all serve as powerful acts of human self-creation.