Explore Neuroscience and Contemplation Sources:Neuroscience and Contemplation Neuroscience and ContemplationThis category has 197 sources. Davidson RJ, Jackson DC, Kalin NH. 2000. Emotion, plasticity, context, and regulation: Perspectives from affective neuroscience.. Psychological Bulletin. 126(6):890-909. Robertson I.H, Garavan H.. 2004. Vigilant attention. :631–640. Simons DJ, Chabris CF. 1999. Gorillas in our midst: sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. Perception. 28(9):1059 – 1074. Ivanovski B, Malhi GS. 2007. The psychological and neurophysiological concomitants of mindfulness forms of meditation. Acta Neuropsychiatrica. 19(2):76–91. B. Cahn R, Polich J. 2006. Meditation states and traits: EEG, ERP, and neuroimaging studies.. Psychological Bulletin. 132(2):180-211. Orme-Johnson D. 2006. Evidence that the Transcendental Meditation program prevents or decreases diseases of the nervous system and is specifically beneficial for epilepsy. Medical Hypotheses. 67(2):240-246. Ramachandran V.S. 2011. The tell-tale brain: a neuroscientist's quest for what makes us human. :357. Boleyn-Fitzgerald M. 2010. Pictures of the mind: what the new neuroscience tells us about who we are. :177. Bickle J. 2013. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Neuroscience. :635. [Anonymous]. 2010. Supplemental Material for Minding One’s Emotions: Mindfulness Training Alters the Neural Expression of Sadness.. Emotion. Pages Page of 20
Neuroscience and ContemplationThis category has 197 sources. Davidson RJ, Jackson DC, Kalin NH. 2000. Emotion, plasticity, context, and regulation: Perspectives from affective neuroscience.. Psychological Bulletin. 126(6):890-909. Robertson I.H, Garavan H.. 2004. Vigilant attention. :631–640. Simons DJ, Chabris CF. 1999. Gorillas in our midst: sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. Perception. 28(9):1059 – 1074. Ivanovski B, Malhi GS. 2007. The psychological and neurophysiological concomitants of mindfulness forms of meditation. Acta Neuropsychiatrica. 19(2):76–91. B. Cahn R, Polich J. 2006. Meditation states and traits: EEG, ERP, and neuroimaging studies.. Psychological Bulletin. 132(2):180-211. Orme-Johnson D. 2006. Evidence that the Transcendental Meditation program prevents or decreases diseases of the nervous system and is specifically beneficial for epilepsy. Medical Hypotheses. 67(2):240-246. Ramachandran V.S. 2011. The tell-tale brain: a neuroscientist's quest for what makes us human. :357. Boleyn-Fitzgerald M. 2010. Pictures of the mind: what the new neuroscience tells us about who we are. :177. Bickle J. 2013. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Neuroscience. :635. [Anonymous]. 2010. Supplemental Material for Minding One’s Emotions: Mindfulness Training Alters the Neural Expression of Sadness.. Emotion. Pages Page of 20