Explore Miscellaneous Contemplation Sources:Miscellaneous Contemplation Miscellaneous ContemplationThis category has 6 sources. Nagley WE. 0. Thoreau on Attachment, Detachment, and Non-Attachment. Philosophy East and West. 3(4):307-320. Emoto M. 0. The Hidden Messages in Water. :202. Duclow DF. 0. William James, Mind-Cure, and the Religion of Healthy-Mindedness. Journal of Religion and Health. 41(1):45-56. Huxley A. 1946. The perennial philosophy. :358. Huxley A. 2004. The doors of perception and Heaven and hell. Perennial classics. :185. Carrington P. 1998. The book of meditation : the complete guide to modern meditation.
Miscellaneous ContemplationThis category has 6 sources. Nagley WE. 0. Thoreau on Attachment, Detachment, and Non-Attachment. Philosophy East and West. 3(4):307-320. Emoto M. 0. The Hidden Messages in Water. :202. Duclow DF. 0. William James, Mind-Cure, and the Religion of Healthy-Mindedness. Journal of Religion and Health. 41(1):45-56. Huxley A. 1946. The perennial philosophy. :358. Huxley A. 2004. The doors of perception and Heaven and hell. Perennial classics. :185. Carrington P. 1998. The book of meditation : the complete guide to modern meditation.