Explore Medical Learning and Contemplation Sources:Medical Learning and Contemplation Medical Learning and ContemplationThis category has 3 sources. Shapiro SL, Schwartz GE, Bonner G. 0. Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Medical and Premedical Students. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 21(6):581-599. Rosenzweig S, Reibel DK, Greeson JM, Brainard GC, Hojat M. 2003. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Lowers Psychological Distress In Medical Students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 15(2):88-92. Dyrbye LN, Thomas MR, Shanafelt TD. 0. Systematic Review of Depression, Anxiety, and Other Indicators of Psychological Distress Among U.S. and Canadian Medical Students. Academic Medicine. 81(4):354-373.
Medical Learning and ContemplationThis category has 3 sources. Shapiro SL, Schwartz GE, Bonner G. 0. Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Medical and Premedical Students. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 21(6):581-599. Rosenzweig S, Reibel DK, Greeson JM, Brainard GC, Hojat M. 2003. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Lowers Psychological Distress In Medical Students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 15(2):88-92. Dyrbye LN, Thomas MR, Shanafelt TD. 0. Systematic Review of Depression, Anxiety, and Other Indicators of Psychological Distress Among U.S. and Canadian Medical Students. Academic Medicine. 81(4):354-373.