Explore Kalachakra Sources:Kalachakra KalachakraThis category has 18 sources. Sopa GLhundub, Jackson RR, Newman J, Simon BLee. 1991. The wheel of time : the Kalachakra in context. mtsho DLama XIVB. 1999. Kālachakra tantra: rite of initiation: for the stage of generation: a commentary on the text of Kay-drup-ge-lek-bel-sang-bo. Arnold EA. 2009. As long as space endures: essays on the Kālacakra tantra in honor of H.H. the Dalai Lama. Wallace VA. 2001. The Inner Kālacakratantra: a Buddhist tantric view of the individual. Grover R. 2006. Kalachakra meditations: based on the discussions between J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm in the ending of time. Guarisco E, McLeod I. 2008. The treasury of knowledge: book eight, part three: the elements of Tantric practice: a general exposition of the process of meditation in the indestructible way of secret mantra. Wallace VA. 2004. The Kālacakratantra: the chapter on the individual together with the Vimalaprabhā. Jackson RR. 1991. The Kalachakra Generation-Stage Sadhana. :119-138. B. Wallace A. 1985. A commentary on the Kālacakra tantra. Mullin GH. 1991. The practice of Kalachakra. Pages Page of 2
KalachakraThis category has 18 sources. Sopa GLhundub, Jackson RR, Newman J, Simon BLee. 1991. The wheel of time : the Kalachakra in context. mtsho DLama XIVB. 1999. Kālachakra tantra: rite of initiation: for the stage of generation: a commentary on the text of Kay-drup-ge-lek-bel-sang-bo. Arnold EA. 2009. As long as space endures: essays on the Kālacakra tantra in honor of H.H. the Dalai Lama. Wallace VA. 2001. The Inner Kālacakratantra: a Buddhist tantric view of the individual. Grover R. 2006. Kalachakra meditations: based on the discussions between J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm in the ending of time. Guarisco E, McLeod I. 2008. The treasury of knowledge: book eight, part three: the elements of Tantric practice: a general exposition of the process of meditation in the indestructible way of secret mantra. Wallace VA. 2004. The Kālacakratantra: the chapter on the individual together with the Vimalaprabhā. Jackson RR. 1991. The Kalachakra Generation-Stage Sadhana. :119-138. B. Wallace A. 1985. A commentary on the Kālacakra tantra. Mullin GH. 1991. The practice of Kalachakra. Pages Page of 2