Explore Kabbalah Sources:Kabbalah KabbalahThis category has 5 sources. Matt DC. 1995. The essential Kabbalah: the heart of Jewish mysticism. Idel M. 1988. Kabbalah: new perspectives. :419. Scholem G. 1996. On the Kabbalah and its symbolism. :216. Green A. 2004. A guide to the Zohar. :191. Fine L. 1995. Essential papers on kabbalah.
KabbalahThis category has 5 sources. Matt DC. 1995. The essential Kabbalah: the heart of Jewish mysticism. Idel M. 1988. Kabbalah: new perspectives. :419. Scholem G. 1996. On the Kabbalah and its symbolism. :216. Green A. 2004. A guide to the Zohar. :191. Fine L. 1995. Essential papers on kabbalah.