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Buddhist Contemplation by Tradition

This category has 74 sources.

[Anonymous].  0.  Magic and Mystery in Tibet.
Tyson PD, Pongruengphant R.  0.  Buddhist and Western Perspectives on Suffering, Stress, and Coping. Journal of Religion and Health. 46(3):351-357.
Macphillamy DJ.  0.  Some Personality Effects of Long-Term Zen Monasticism and Religious Understanding . Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 25(3):16;304-316.
Jarrell HR.  1985.  International meditation bibliography, 1950-1982. ATLA bibliography series. :432.
Tloczynski J, Tantriella M.  1998.  A comparison of the effects of Zen breath meditation or relaxation on college adjustment. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient. 41(1):32-43.
Gyatso J.  0.  Healing Burns with Fire: The Facilitations of Experience in Tibetan Buddhism. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 67(1):113-147.
Willis J.  0.  Yes, We're Buddhists Too!. Volume 10, Number 2:42-45.


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