Explore Preschool, Child Care, and Contemplation Sources:Preschool, Child Care, and Contemplation Preschool, Child Care, and ContemplationThis category has 5 sources. Burke CA. 0. Mindfulness-Based Approaches with Children and Adolescents: A Preliminary Review of Current Research in an Emergent Field. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 19(2):133-144. Jennings PA, Denham S, Ji P, Weissberg RP. 2007. Discussion Forum Report from the Garrison Institute and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). MacLean KLee. 0. Peaceful Piggy Meditation. :40. Bluth K, Wahler RG. 0. Parenting Preschoolers: Can Mindfulness Help? Mindfulness. 2(4):282-285. Semple RJ, Lee J. 2011. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for anxious children: a manual for treating childhood anxiety.
Preschool, Child Care, and ContemplationThis category has 5 sources. Burke CA. 0. Mindfulness-Based Approaches with Children and Adolescents: A Preliminary Review of Current Research in an Emergent Field. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 19(2):133-144. Jennings PA, Denham S, Ji P, Weissberg RP. 2007. Discussion Forum Report from the Garrison Institute and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). MacLean KLee. 0. Peaceful Piggy Meditation. :40. Bluth K, Wahler RG. 0. Parenting Preschoolers: Can Mindfulness Help? Mindfulness. 2(4):282-285. Semple RJ, Lee J. 2011. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for anxious children: a manual for treating childhood anxiety.